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How to Plan for the Obesity Drug Revolution

Northeast Agent

1000 Post Club

Insurers and their reinsurers have seen enthusiasm about weight-loss wonder drugs come and go for decades, but now medical experts at Gen Re, Reinsurance Group of America, Munich Re, Scor and Swiss Re are starting let their guard down and wonder what might happen if the GLP-1 agonists really work, and keep working.

Insurers and their reinsurers have seen enthusiasm about weight-loss wonder drugs come and go for decades, but now medical experts at Gen Re, Reinsurance Group of America, Munich Re, Scor and Swiss Re are starting let their guard down and wonder what might happen if the GLP-1 agonists really work, and keep working.
I don't know. Seeing lots of kidney failure connected to some of those drugs. Also, Dr friend's say 30-40% of the weight loss is loss of muscle mass & when the drug is stopped, the weight comes back but not the muscle mass

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The potential of GLP-1 agonists seems to be gaining serious attention from medical experts. If these drugs prove effective long-term, it could be a game-changer for managing weight and related health issues.
Insurers look at the past 12 months. But they can ask about your weight prior to that. And most still order an APS and can see the insureds weight going back at least the past 5 years. Build charts are not a hard and fast limit, its a guideline that can have exceptions made.... both ways...

Id bet we will eventually see some guidelines about the use of these drugs and build charts.

Long term effects of these are yet to be seen.

I know someone who is on one of those drugs. Its destroyed their muscle mass. And I am scared for them. NO way its good for a person long term.
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