How to Work Shared Leads?


1000 Post Club
I know before I get started asking this question that I am asking competition to help me do better than them, if you are not willing to help, I understand. You can send me a private message or maybe I can get some advice from someone who is not in the Virginia area.

If someone could give me advice I would greatly appreciate it.

When I receive a shared lead, what are the next steps that will make me most successful. Right now, I call immediately(never seem to get anyone) and leave a message that I receoved their information, next I use a quote engine to get quotes and then email them to the customer, then I call several times to try and catch them,which is not easy to do. What about this process would you change?

Also, if emailing the quotes is the right thing to do, do you send a quote on the most basic term policy, using the term they requested, with no riders attached?
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You are competing against other agents as well as online sites that default to super preferred rates. You must do anything you can to separate yourself from the pack. Continue what you are doing and add in drip marketing if you are not already doing that.
I just had my first one call close with shared leads today. The reason I feel why I got it, was I did set myself apart from the other agents, I even called the lead late, after all the agents called (by accident). It was because I could develop a conversation, and invite on a webconference that helped alot. Shared leads aren't bad when you compete against the 95% of agents that end up failing this biz, with the right training, they can make you look good.
Looks like emptyeternity has some great advice.

Make a connection by actually starting a conversation then offer something of real value... that'll work:)

I think we all like getting treated like real human beings and getting real help.
With Shared leads (from my experience)

1) TRY TRY TRY to get to the person first.

2) Tell your prospect that they will be receiving calls from other agents and then tell them "here is why you should work with me" I say "I am an indep agent and I represent all of the carriers; we are going to see which offers the best coverage for you. I will find you the best coverage."

It seems to work and I make sure I sincerely keep their needs first.

I don't speak badly about other agents. no need to. But I tell the prospect right up front WHY I am the best and what he/she can expect.

Then the others (esp those who try to hard close) have a smaller chance) its competitive and you MUST have strategy