How Will Healthcare Reform Affect Our Sales?

Sure Ehealth writes a lot of business, their average client might stay on the books for 6-9 months though. If you have a website with quoting software you'll know that a very very small percentage of people will buy without at minimum emailing or speaking with you on just a few questions before committing.

Even with reform no government plan would actually start taking people on the books for a few years, you'll have time to see what the change will be and adapt to it if your a good business person and not just a sleazy salesperson. If obama gets his way completely I bet I can sell Critical Illness plans for 100k plus face value's all day long to my book of business.... actually scratch all that, if your worried you shouldn't get into the biz, more clients for me!
"a very very small percentage of people will buy without at minimum emailing or speaking with you on just a few questions before committing."

So true. And those that do...the reject rate is substantially higher than other sources of business.
I feel lucky if 10% of those who apply online without talking to me or even corresponding by email are issued. At least half, probably more, never complete the process. Most of the rest are rejected, and most of those don't meet minimum height requirements.
If the Healthcare Reform passes, how do you think it will affect our business. I am considering joining a company that sales mainly health insurance, but wonderwhether or not this is the wrong time to start selling health insurance? Any suggestions?

A lot of consumers are wondering if this is the right time to start buying.
Ridicuous if you one thinks it through. Even if BO and buds came through with a free bee (pfffffff). I am quite sure that it would not pay on claims retroactively. Unless of course it was integrated with some mode of time travel?