How Will the Health Reform Effect an Agents Day?

It is what it is. Smart agents are already changing their marketing efforts understanding the health insurance route may close or be greatly reduced. Thirty three years in this business and change is one thing that you expect.
As you said, preparation is the key.

While some may scoff at the "GET OUT OF INDY HEALTH INSURANCE" mantra I started a few years ago, those of you that diversified will be fine.

Maybe Indy health will be fine. I hope it is because I didn't get out. But always be prepared for the worst.
Let me set you straight partner... I'm one of the four or five members with the most seniority on this forum (not to mention 21 years in the business). While I appreciate your advice and input, here's the truth: I was around here a long time before you, and I'll be here a long time after you're gone.

21years in the business? Just a babe. Just wait until you have been around long enough for it to wrinkle your face and turn your hair grey. :yes: