Howdy Folks!

Turbo Tom

New Member
Just thought I'd introduce myself as I stumbled upon this site while doing some reading the other day. I'm a captive agent for a multi-line company but my primary focus is Life/LTC/Annuities/Securities. I've been in the industry for 6 years and have spent far too much time in study groups that turn into complaining sessions (who hasn't been there?)

I'm here to learn from others and see if there isn't a way that I can set myself apart from the other advisors in my small town. We currently have two independent agents, one State Farm rep, and an Edward Jones rep that I compete against.

I look forward to seeing what else I can learn and how to grow my business!
I know nothing of those men you speak of.....however I do have a passion for fast cars and most of the automotive forums I belong to have the same screen name.