HSA Option with HD


New Member
Hi everyone,

I have a question and would like to get some professionals thoughts on this. My company is making a product that essentially makes it easy for a company to manage their HSA contributions and for employees to learn about and open up their own HSA bank accounts. As insurance agents do you help your clients open up the HSA accounts? How helpful would a website be that educated employees on the HSA, let them open one up from a web interface and then helped them track their spending, along with some other useful features.

The idea would be that the employees could open up an HSA at any bank they liked, the employer would use their dashboard to say how much they would like to contribute and our system would then automatically distribute the funds each month to the correct accounts. Very little administration for the employer and more choice for the employee. To be clear my company does not want to sell the insurance we are looking to partner with agents and support them in the HSA side of things.