I need HYIP articles


Where are you?

Are you washing your spam superhero cape? Are you shining your spam superhero boots? We need you to deal with this. We've just been spamed!
Breaking News,

Stibroker has been found in a spam deli. Eating a superhero spam gyro and polishing his super hero shoes with "spam o shine". It's said he followed the sandwich with a single swig of spam swill. Another eye witness reports seeing Sti in the bathroom applying spamcream to his superhero hair.

Wait, wait, theres more news coming in as we speak. Sti is on the run, yes he is on the run. Oh no!!! We've just received a report, can you repeat that please? Yes, it's confirmed, we've just received a report that Stibroker was seen escaping in what appears to be a supercharged spam mobile.

Where will he go next? Tune in next time to the same spam channel at the same spam time for tomorrows edition of "Sir Spamalot-the Stibroker Chronicles"
That never stopped you from jumping on the spammers right away before.
dvd493 said:
That never stopped you from jumping on the spammers right away before.

Why not post a picture of someone with blinders on since your missing the spam that started this thread.

The bunny is a nice touch though!
dvd493 said:
Why not post a picture of someone with blinders on since your missing the spam that started this thread.

why don't you quote the spamming post......
