I Want My $2.99 Back!


5000 Post Club
Will always buy a book that a fellow agent writes about what we do and can USUALLY learn something from everyone. So when I ran across this for only $2.99 on Amazon I figured it was a no-brainer.

This book makes NO attempt at teaching anyone, anything. It is a poorly designed recruiting effort to get you to "join some guy's team." what a Rip-Off!

Don't fall for it.

My Journey as a Final Expense Man- Understanding Sales: Lauro Herrera, Samuel Cochran, Oasis Publishing: Amazon.com: Kindle Store
You left a nice review. That should help save some poor sole from wasting money on it.
Think you missed the company... If you look at his photo he is holding a Senior Life brochure..

That is VERY observant rousemark. Maybe the author is merely a well known Ins Forum poster just using a 'nom de guerre' for his published work. :idea:
I've only sold a couple of FE policies and not really a fan of the product (although I understand why people buy it).

However, I'll teach anyone all I know about FE for only $2.49. So if you want to save a half a buck, let me know.
