If Bankers Life and Casualty would be a good place to learn and start career? I have never personally had an experience wih Bankers, but I have run into clients and agents, that have both good and bad to say about BLC.
While my clients are not "senior market" clients, their son is 29 and in auto sales. Their son has met with the local BLC manager, and the manager is saying they are not messing with med supps or med advantage just selling final expense. The manager's least producting agent is making 1K a week, so at least no smoke and mirrors.
While my clients are not "senior market" clients, their son is 29 and in auto sales. Their son has met with the local BLC manager, and the manager is saying they are not messing with med supps or med advantage just selling final expense. The manager's least producting agent is making 1K a week, so at least no smoke and mirrors.