If Obama Does Not Get Office Again?

Why do we need to go beyond the nat'l risk pool? Doesn't that solve pretty much everything? I think it does. We didn't need PPCA - only the national pool.

You are all over the boards here.

How could a risk pool have helped cover the girl before her accident? That was the trigger point.

I believe 35 states have a risk pool, 4 or 5 have GI, all states have HIPAA options and all states have Medicaid, SCHIP and other taxpayer subsidized plans.

GA has fewer options (beyond HIPAA) than most states so PCIP helped . . . some.

Can't tell you how many I have sent to the pool only to hear back that they can't afford it and our rates are very reasonable.

Winter, you are a riot.
Why is the unemployment rate with blacks now at 15%? When Bush was in office it was only 7%. I thought Obama was supposed to do something about this.
Rick: This is even more racist...95% of black voters will blindly vote for the community organizer a second time even though he has done nothing to improve their situation.
Why is the unemployment rate with blacks now at 15%? When Bush was in office it was only 7%. I thought Obama was supposed to do something about this.

For the same reason that people from poor families of any ethnic group have higher unemployment. Less education leads to less productivity. Less productivity makes hiring them less desirable.

And then there's whatever residual racism there still is among white hiring managers.

I find it bizarre that you choose to inject race into discussions about Obama. Why do you like to talk about it so much? Are you trying to tell us something?