If ObamaCare is Struck Down, What Will Happen at the State Level?


100+ Post Club
Living in California, I wonder what our State will do if ObamaCare is struck down. Will California continue down the path of a mandate like Mass? What about other States?
Living in California, I wonder what our State will do if ObamaCare is struck down. Will California continue down the path of a mandate like Mass? What about other States?

The libs are not happy about Obama's half-arsed program either. They bit the bullet and supported it when someone told them that half a loaf was better than none but now they may be getting none.

Point is, expect the conservatives to have a field day with this but it would not surprise me a bit to see a resurgence of chatter about single payer universal health to pick up speed again among the libs. California would be prime turf for that too.

What a mess. Honest to God. Complete waste of time and then when you calculate in the national energy that went to this while the focus should have been on the economy.

What a mess.
I have the fear that even if it is struck down, Carzy California will move ahead with it. But where's the money going to come from???
Most likely, the nation will pause (in shock) and wait for Congress to act or a new election to move us in a particular direction. If a new national reform isn't on the horizon, I expect states to enact reform of their own. I live in AZ, where "dragging our feet" on every PPACA issue, including exchanges, has been the plan. However, I even expect our state to eventually enact reform if it's not done on a national level. For those in CA or other liberal states, it's clear that exchanges that are not broker friendly, and other forms of reform are on the horizon.
AZ meet MA.

MA meet NY

NY meet ME

Definition of insanity. Doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results.
I live in a conservative state so it will be business as usual.

My life will change as I will not have to worry on a daily basis about my career path.
I live in a liberal state, where I can go back to worrying WHEN the market will change, not if. But at least I know it won't be 1/1/14.