I guess I was thinking/asking as in what's the sales pitch...if they are saying it protects against roll up debt and protects against a big chargeback by spreading them over your weekly checks...that's nice but is it worth 40% of the commission?
I guess I was thinking/asking as in what's the sales pitch...if they are saying it protects against roll up debt and protects against a big chargeback by spreading them over your weekly checks...that's nice but is it worth 40% of the commission?
Even if the commission was the same it would be a horrible mistake.

Imagine if every episode of Judge Judy went exactly like this.

Victim : Yes Judge, I'm here today because I found out after being a great agent that these guys have been smiling to my face and acting like they are helping me but they have screwed me over royally in ways that I will lay before you right now...

Judge Judy: Doesn't matter! You signed all your rights away by assigning commissions to your Upline. You have no rights and no business. It all belongs to them. Get out of my court and try not to go through life doing stupid stuff next time.