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- #11
- 494
I believe I am being blown off ... I'm gonna get screwed as far as AEP goes ... they won't have those releases emailed over this week ... I tried to work with them by moving that business over to the wife who is a liced agent also ... looks like they are dick'n me over until she is all set up with them ... which takes processing time of course. They do have the ability to furnish any releases immediately correct?It is also not required that you stop writing business. You can submit the delayed release to the carrier and the appointment gets moved after 3 months as long as that 3 months doesn't end in the blackout period.
I would also urge anyone on here when signing with an FMO/IMO/Whatever, get them to put in the contract a time period they need to provide a release by. We do 48 hours for every agent no matter what (even though we rarely need to provide them).
Most will say they grant releases and then never answer your calls or emails...