Inc vs. LLC

Mike Hanson

New Member
Which is better for legal protection and tax benefit for a P&C agent an LLC or Inc.?
We would have 1 owner and 2 employees.

Either one should work as well as the other for the protection you're looking for. S-corp or LLC would provide the same tax benefit unless you own land. If you own land, you can bypass some tax if you have an LLC.
Does anyone know if insurance carriers care if you are an Inc or an LLC. I used to be with Farmers and they would not let me be an LLC but they are a strange company...
Most financial companies are incorporated. Personally, that's the route that I would go.
Does anyone know if insurance carriers care if you are an Inc or an LLC. I used to be with Farmers and they would not let me be an LLC but they are a strange company...

Insurance companies will not care either way. There are tax advanatages for operating businesses to be S corps but it is better for real estate to be held in an LLC. You need to set down with a good CPA and discuss this.
Which is better for legal protection and tax benefit for a P&C agent an LLC or Inc.?
We would have 1 owner and 2 employees.


You should use this boards will preperation service as well. Start listing assets and together we will put a will together for you...