Information Gathering

Why not working for an agency that pays you full commission till you have enough book to get direct appointment. This is what I chose to do .If interested Email me for more info. [email protected]
Why would anyone go with Iroquois? Truly.

Why not? Relatively low monthly fee. I know there is uneasy exit term. Anyhow, for those who is about starting out and needs decent carriers with higher commission, this may be interested.

Anyhow, my point is why don't you clearly put your opinion as why you oppose? We are here to gather information that we may not know. All of us will appreciate if you can kindly put some information about Iroquis.
Hm.... it's also the SmartChoice makes it hard when it comes for exit. They don't allow direct appointment for period of 2 years.

And how does Iroquois allow you to exit ?

For my agency the Smart Choice contract was less restrictive in all areas that concerned me. I am not speaking on behalf of anyone else or why they would contract with Iroquois or not.

Just got this today

Smart Choice is offering a contract enhancement to our existing agencies. Please review the attached Smart Choice Agency Addendum offering First Right of Refusal.
Smart Choice would like first Right of Refusal on your entire agency, Smart Choice and non-Smart Choice, in the event that you decide to sell your agency and receive a bonifide offer. Smart Choice will examine the offer and if interested will offer you 5% over the asking price if you are not over the production cap, if you are over the production cap Smart Choice will offer 10% above the current offer on the table. The Smart Choice First Right of Refusal excludes family members and long time employees who may have a vested interest in taking over the agency.
This is an offer from Smart Choice and not a requirement.
Please review the attached document. . It will be retracted in the future. All new Smart Choice Agreements contain first right of Refusal.
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1manshow, if you read my reply carefully, I was not near appraising for niether SmartChoice or Iroquois. It clearly shows you like the SmartChoice. That's your choice and if it works out, great!

I just want to learn more about Iroquois. I am not sure if SmartChoice works differently in state to state. In California, 30% off your commission until it reaches $15,000 a year does not interested me at all.

Besides the SmartChoice users, does anyone ever used Iroquois? I would love to hear more about it. Please reply with more new information. Thanks.
Quite possible that SC has different contract choices. When we met with SIAA we got them to lower their buy-in$$ by half ?? Iroquois Group is domiciled very close to me and I looked over thier contract many years ago. Back then it was horrible(to me) and appeared to me that there was little hope of getting out alive if you decided to leave/retire. Maybe they have changed the contract for the better. As an agent who was looking to build considerable equity in my P & C book the option of selling it was paramount in my decision making process.