Insurance for Novice Driver

Unfortunately there is no one company that is best. A lot goes into your cost in addition to the driver's experience.

Your best option is to check with an independent agent in your area. They have a lot of companies to choose from. Then check with a few direct agents to compare, life State Farm, Farmers, and Allstate.
Unfortunately there is no one company that is best. A lot goes into your cost in addition to the driver's experience.

Your best option is to check with an independent agent in your area. They have a lot of companies to choose from. Then check with a few direct agents to compare, life State Farm, Farmers, and Allstate.

I am a fan of GMAC and Progressive, however. They aren't bad to have.
Take some driving courses and you could get a better chance of getting insured as well as getting discounted rates. But be sure to ask which companies are more lenient and give discounts for driving courses. I personally know quite a few of the top insurance carriers do.
Where are you from? Here in the UK it helps if you complete the Pass Plus course, can reduce premiums significantly.