Soliciting / Door Knocking ?


New Member
For the agents that door knock, do you get a solicitors license ? I live in an area where nearly every town has a Soliciting Ordinance. If I door knock just to schedule an appointment, does that count as solicitation ?
Since you're not asking for money at the door, you're not peddling. You're introducing yourself and asking for a conversation and/or a future appointment.

That being said, some cities may say that they want to know about everyone who is knocking doors. And if you ask, they'll just tell you to get the solicitor's permit.

The best person to ask would be a police officer, not necessarily city hall.

At one point, I actually created a name-badge based off my insurance license. I used my driver license photo along with the fonts from the insurance license, state insurance seal, insurance commissioner's signature, license #, everything.

Terrible older DL photo (maybe 6-8 years ago?), but that's what I did. Granted, I did elaborate more about the nature of my license, but it's not like any of it was untrue.

Laminate it like a luggage tag and get a lanyard.