Insurance newb checking in, advice?


Hi guys, this is my first post here. I'm fairly new to the insurance gig, and am an Aflac agent. I've done a few searches and can see the opinions that some folks have towards the duck here, so I'm prepared for the worst. Actually, a lot of points I've read so far are some of the reasons that prompted me to join here.

I like the Aflac product, but after sitting for several hours at an open enrollment at a hospital last week and seeing many EE's bypass the Aflac table for other companies, it's got me thinking that there's more out there. Another turn-off is that Aflac makes available so many resources for group marketing, but there is little in the way of direct marketing...which is something I think I am missing out on, especially since my area is so saturated.

I like the idea of being an independent agent, and I like the idea that I don't have to report to a cubicle (insurance sales is my PLAN B, career-wise). I also consider myself lucky to have a relatively decent regional and district coordinator, although I do see some "politics" come through here and there.

I've been considering my options, and it's kind of why I'm posting here. I'm Life, Accident and Health licensed in PA, and am wondering if there is another avenue I am missing here. I'm considering going for Auto Insurance license, since Auto insurance is a requirement, selling it seems to be a no-brainer, right?

Though I've read a few threads regarding similar subjects, anny advice is appreciated.

Well, first off you should sit down and figure what aspect of the insurance business do you like the most and the attack it like nothing else. Figure out what you enjoy the most and do that 110%, do the right thing and money will follow.

If you need to make money asap, I would suggest health insurance.

What is most appealing to you? Health, Life, Senior market, Auto, Property?

Just make sure you do ONE thing and do it well. The problem most agents have is that they try to be everything, to everyone and never make any money.
Thanks for the reply. I guess I'm still feeling things out. I wouldn't consider myself a natural salesman, but I am easy to adapt and would consider myself an opportunist by nature. I guess my biggest goal is to increase direct sales. I figure there's an untapped market for direct Aflac sales, whether it be cancer or even life.
I'm considering going for Auto Insurance license, since Auto insurance is a requirement, selling it seems to be a no-brainer, right?

I'm licensed for P&C. Auto and Homeowners is a long-term game plan. Commissions are VERY small, but they come in year after year. You won't earn a living on it in your first 3 years. It's a great product to have though. Think of it as building a retirement annuity.

It's not really a sale though. You sell life insurance. You sell LTC. People buy auto. It is much more of a marketing driven product. If I sell someone another product, I usually close with "why don't you let me look at your auto insurance to verify you are covered and see if I can save you money." I like helping clients that have been sold poor coverage and don't know it.
Hi guys, this is my first post here. I'm fairly new to the insurance gig, and am an Aflac agent. I've done a few searches and can see the opinions that some folks have towards the duck here, so I'm prepared for the worst. Actually, a lot of points I've read so far are some of the reasons that prompted me to join here.

I like the Aflac product, but after sitting for several hours at an open enrollment at a hospital last week and seeing many EE's bypass the Aflac table for other companies, it's got me thinking that there's more out there. Another turn-off is that Aflac makes available so many resources for group marketing, but there is little in the way of direct marketing...which is something I think I am missing out on, especially since my area is so saturated.

I like the idea of being an independent agent, and I like the idea that I don't have to report to a cubicle (insurance sales is my PLAN B, career-wise). I also consider myself lucky to have a relatively decent regional and district coordinator, although I do see some "politics" come through here and there.

I've been considering my options, and it's kind of why I'm posting here. I'm Life, Accident and Health licensed in PA, and am wondering if there is another avenue I am missing here. I'm considering going for Auto Insurance license, since Auto insurance is a requirement, selling it seems to be a no-brainer, right?

Though I've read a few threads regarding similar subjects, anny advice is appreciated.


First, you made a good decision starting with Aflac. Typically, their SSC's provide good training on prospecting and business development. The latest stats show that the #1 item brokers need assistance with is prospecting. Make the most of their training. Also, the Aflac company plan is strong, but their agent market is saturated. My suggestion is to learn as much as you can from them and pursue becoming a true independent broker. Learn about internet distribution of health and other available products. Good luck.

Note: I believe Aflac is testing the use of internet enrollment on the West Coast.
Figure out what line(s) you want to sell. You can do a lot with the licenses you already have by either being captive of going independent. I started captive, did the AFLAC thing for a quick sec.(perfect weight losss plan in the summer). As I remember the comission stinks. You'll make far more with the same or less effort by going independent. Without someone lurking over your shoulder.