
The address is a neighborhood.
No phone number.
A sparse web site that uses Vista Print's free base.
But you will get an emailed PayPal invoice as soon as you fill out the "request form"( and you know that PayPal is one of the most hoaxed sites around,right?)
Let us know how it works out for you....I'd suggest using a stolen credit card number to even out the playing field.
Be afraid, my lil Buckeroo, be very afraid.
They might be working out of mom's basement....could be legit.
Those black bags by the garage door are full of your leads!

At least it's not the back door of a liquor store that popped up here a few weeks ago

And I'd bet some money that when you receive your invoice email..that the bogus Paypal link is to a hoax site in Somalia or Croatia
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