Interested in a Second Career in P&C

Hey Man,

I would encourage you to read slide #51 from the Philadelphia Interactive Product Guide...Chiropractors Professional Liability.

80-90%+ of all insurance agents QUIT inside of 3-5 years. So perhaps the avg sales guy who has been in the business for 3+ years is likely making at least $1k a week depending on where they reside. Good ones are making double.

-The owner of my Indi Agency clears about $350k per year.

Good Luck
Hey Man,

I would encourage you to read slide #51 from the Philadelphia Interactive Product Guide...Chiropractors Professional Liability.

Good Luck

I do not know what you are referring to "slide 51."

I guess it is like anything, "the grass is always greener." This thread has not exactly been encouraging for starting an alternate career in P&C.
I am making a descent living at what I am doing and I supposes I should just put more energy into this it appears being a P&C broker is so dreadfully difficult apparently. Well, the world is a competitive place. Some professional groups have it easy. I think about 50% of chiropractors wash out in years or so, and I have made it to year 16. The traits that make a successful chiropractor: Being an extrovert and a people's person is so important. Working hard and consistently to build a name and practice.....
Being able to be a salesperson, which I suck at. I have a hard time telling people they need to spend $3500 on chiropractic treatment..... but if I could I would make more money.
Original poster,

P&C is a long hard sloggest. It is an ant hill. You go down the hole you made on a long journey to the end of your tunnel and you come back out one grain of sand at a time.

I don't blame you for wanting to bail from the Chiropractor gig. But you have to realize the jump has a significant uphill learning curve.

P&C is great but I agree with much of what was said here.
Sooo I'll do my role as the forum d*ckhead & say that 110k after 16 years is umm...pretty bad.

All things i know now... i would, don't get into P&C. Spend money on coaching w/ top chiropractic practice coaches & get yourself to the next level. P&C will not make decent money for years & years. You will need to really learn the business which is at least a 2 year time frame as well.

If you had relationships with mortgage offices, real estate firms or financial advisors you could may make the argument. Your only hope would be partnering with some carrier who has a great program for chiropractors & going after that niche since you can speak their language.

don't kid yourself, p&c sucks.