Interesting Observation About This Forum

I guess Dave Miller is the only one allowed here to offer SEO advice....

I would not say that is true, it just so happens that he is the only one so far that has a proven track record and doesn't BS us in the advice he gives us or the work he has done. The results he has gotten for many of us speak for themselves.

He can be brutally honest sometimes but isn't that what we all really need to hear?

If you have something to offer that is superior to his advice to what he can do and can back it up with results like he can then I'm sure we will be "all ears".
I just noticed that the SEO thread that Pangea started the other say has been deleted, I also noticed that the thread titled The Ultimate Big and Free SEO Thread has been edited so that the info the author inputted was deleted....

Is this just a coincidense?

Hey Kurt, I tried finding it, yet I couldn't, I will throw something together just for you, just please don't distribute it. I've just been really busy, but you have my # if you want to get to work sooner, so just call with any questions...