Interior Home Inspections?

Because this is such a stupid question, I cant believe it is true.....

I would simply tell them you are not trained as a home inspector,

Find out in your contract, where it says you have to do this.

If you feelings are hurt, then this isnt the board for you

Yeah Red Blooded American - why don't you give that a try and see how it works out for you....Bend Over Baby and hang on. The big University of FU is going to FU.
Yeah Red Blooded American - why don't you give that a try and see how it works out for you....Bend Over Baby and hang on. The big University of FU is going to FU.

Hey, I went to the FU, notice Farmers calls it University of Farmers, all the agents call it Farmers University so we can say we graduated from FU, TWICE, yes twice, the second time i went, I won a weeks class for their "advanced agent training" so I went, just to spend their money, and then 2 weeks after I got back, I quit and went IA!


so, been there done that little peewee
How many of you are required by your homeowner insurance carriers to conduct interior inspections?

Do you feel qualified to make judgements on the functionality of HVAC, plumbing, and electrical systems? And if the a/c, furnace are in the attic are you actually crawling up there to take a look?

How many female agents would feel safe going to an unknown prospect's home and doing these technical mechanical evaluations?

If you are doing these how many times a day do you have to change clothes to go on these wild goose chases versus the ones that pass with no issues? How many can you do in a day and still maintain your regular workload in the office supervising staff, attending to customer service issues, etc.

I'd love to hear feedback/comments.

AmFam in IL used to make agents take interior pics of furnace & electric panel. I remember going into this older house that had a dirt floor in the basement. The fuse box was under the stairs. I had to litteraly army crawl under the stairs in pitch black to get a picture of this thing. The whole time I was thinking "this would be a good place to hide a body!"

Thankfully, I'm not with AmFam anymore. As an independent, if a company wants an inspection and/or pics, they do it themselves. I do not miss that part of my job!
Do most home insurance company's do interior inspections now? I thought only on high value homes over a certain dwelling limit?
Peewee, you bring up a great point at why so many Farmers agents leave and go independent. Zarmers became such a fu**ed up company where they place unreasonable demands upon their agents, all for less money than the indys, although I don't know how these indy's survive without the incredible help that a district manager provides....NOT! At Farmers your DM is the pimp and the agent does all the work (being bent over!). Did you know your DM gets paid 1% of gross auto and home premium from each agency in his district? I believe they also receive a healthy slice(13%) of commissions off of the life products. Did you also know that a DM gets paid the SAME commission whether the policy is in a #300 or a #500? Yeah, your making 4% and he's making 1% .... for doing nothing!!! That's why Farmers touts this pyramid scheme as the "best small business oportunity in America".... for the leeches (DM's).
How does Farmers even keep agents? If you read through this forum looking for a company to represent, they seemingly would never get a look....are they as bad as everyone makes them out to be? I have no personal experience with them...
Because Farmers wasn't always this bad. If you started 20 years ago and built up a 2 or 3,000 policy agency, the income is hard to walk away from .... although the income of these older agent's is walking away from them because Farmers now charges the highest premium to their long-term auto clients.
Because Farmers wasn't always this bad. If you started 20 years ago and built up a 2 or 3,000 policy agency, the income is hard to walk away from .... although the income of these older agent's is walking away from them because Farmers now charges the highest premium to their long-term auto clients.

EXACTLY correct. Once you have built up an income and are dependent upon it to pay your bills which includes payroll, office, etc., etc., and personal you can't just walk away and Farmers know this...yet they have no consideration and make it as unbearable as possible knowing you have little to no recourse. They paint a very pretty and different picture to new recruits and once they are in and have written all their friends and family if they don't become an instant mega producer (which means throwing everything against the wall and hoping it sticks, legal or not) their time is limited too. Most of our top producing agents are those who have a ton of questionable policies on the books, it's a little like the military...don't ask don't tell. If you produce no one questions what you slap on the books, otherwise you're scrutinized and monitored and terminated if you don't cross a T or dot an i. It's the same everywhere because the "company" has changed. They use to be a company of ethics and regard for their agents and doing things the "right" way, that is no longer the case. Would any reputable company offer and E&O plan to their agents that they profit from? Would any other reputable company file an E&O claim against one of their own agent's E&O policies? Our district manager is fully aware that no one in our district is doing interior inspections, I reminded him of it recently, did he do anything???? NO because he knows it will impede or stop new business getting written. I just love going inside these homes, the other day I had to do an interior inspection the people forgot about our appt and when the husband opened the door for me to come in, I had to inspect the master bath with his wife in bed. Now how do you think that felt? Inconvenient doesn't begin to describe it...Just another example of how UNFRIENDLY and how UNEASY Farmers is to do business with. Whatever they can come up with to make us the least company of choice for our consumers is what they do. The billing system could absolutely not get worse, and I am one of those who hired staff silly I thought it was so I could grow, little did I know it was just so WE could handle all the billing questions and fixes for the screw ups Farmers puts out there. I sent a customer to Service Point the other day to add a car because our PC's were down, know what they did - they told our customer to call us back, they didn't process the transaction. We called back and talked to a supervisor and demanded they address this with the service rep who gave our customer that run-around. This is the norm, not the unusual. What a load of crap, day after day after day. Oh, the heavy hitters are writing outside business that would fit Farmers appetite too, think the DM is looking closely at them? NO. Another situation of write enough life and we'll play like we don't know what's going on.