Ipad or Android Tablefor FE

I would love if all the carriers had apps for the ipad. Already I have all the agent guides, rate tables etc saved on my iPad. If I didn't need all the paper apps all I would need to carry is maybe a small 3 ring binder for replacement forms, a legal pad and my iPad.

Though right now I'm using my iPhone as a wifi hotspot to give Internet access to my iPad which drain both of their batteries super fast. I guess I'll need to get a new iPad with 3G/4G connection soon.

We, Security National Life, will be releasing an electronic app that will work on any touchscreen tablet or smart phone. It will work on iPad, iPhone, Android phones and tablets as well as others. It will work with or without an Internet connection. You can save and submit later and you can write and save multiple apps daily. If you do have an Internet connection then you can submit it before you leave the clients home. I've used it several times and it works great. Apps will get issued quicker meaning agents get paid quicker.
I just got the Galaxy Note 2, for the purpose of trying out the e-apps.
It's Phone and mini-tablet all in one, and the e-pen slides into a slot on the side. Salesteams are buying these by the truckload, specifically for signing documents.

I used to take an iPad with me, but it as slick as it is, it is still too big to wrestle with in the car.
I had to hotspot it to my iphone, if I wanted online.
If you get a 3/4G version tablet, you've still got to purchase a seperate data plan....or else you're still hotspotting.

So I sold my ipad to help fund the GN2, no regrets, the thing is awesome.
and fwiw, Android isn't clunky anymore, the latest version is imo better than iOS:

(it is a little big for a phone, but this is more than made up for, as I don't have to lug around a tablet. And now my wife's brand new iPhone4s looks like an '80s toy.)

Haven't used iPad for FE but write a lot of MAPD on Aetna's iPad app and love it. Eager for the day when all apps are taken this way.
I have been thinking about the same phone for business. Let us know how it works out.


I just got the Galaxy Note 2, for the purpose of trying out the e-apps.
It's Phone and mini-tablet all in one, and the e-pen slides into a slot on the side. Salesteams are buying these by the truckload, specifically for signing documents.

I used to take an iPad with me, but it as slick as it is, it is still too big to wrestle with in the car.
I had to hotspot it to my iphone, if I wanted online.
If you get a 3/4G version tablet, you've still got to purchase a seperate data plan....or else you're still hotspotting.

So I sold my ipad to help fund the GN2, no regrets, the thing is awesome.
and fwiw, Android isn't clunky anymore, the latest version is imo better than iOS:

(it is a little big for a phone, but this is more than made up for, as I don't have to lug around a tablet. And now my wife's brand new iPhone4s looks like an '80s toy.)

I have been thinking about the same phone for business. Let us know how it works out.


I'm a fan also. Faster, bigger, brighter, and the battery lasts through a day of mapping, texting, blue tooth wifi and gps constantly on, an hour at the gym playing music, email, web surfing, and phone calls. Easily 18-22 hours. Iphone looks like a calculator watch now
Agreed, makes the iPhone look primitive...the only consideration is:
1) Get the Note2 now
2) Wait for the Note3 in a few months....bigger screen...but not much bigger in total size.
3) GN4, will possibly have the new 'flexable' screen....next year??

Samsung is at the top of the cell market right now, making the best stuff....I see now why Apple is taking them to court so often right now...they are so killing it.

But other rumors have a larger iPhone comming out as well. My bet is it won't incorporate a stylus (e-pen) but maybe there will be a case that incorporates a pen.

See, Apple is **Stuck** in the narrow screen form factor, it's a major 'Steve Jobs' legacy..."your thumb has to reach the other side". And they also like to differentiate their products, hence that's why they don't put a phone antenna in the iPad Mini. They don't want to cross pollinate. They want to sell you 2 devices. It is going to be very difficult for Apple to just come out and copy this, it is against their corporate culture in more ways than one.....so, please...no one hold your breath for an Apple version of the GN2 to come out, it may take awhile.

I'd never slam Apple, I like their products and used them for a few years....but this GN2 just nukes Apple standing still.

And the newest Android OS "Ice Cream Sandwich" is imo way better than iOS.
Yes Android used to be clunky and inferior....no longer....it is better now....imo
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