Is anyone going to the Convention (National Agents Alliance) (NAA

Great advice - thanks

Unfortunately I did write 5 apps for F&G within the first 2 weeks I was with NAA, so it's 6 months I'd have to wait. I spoke to F&G contracting & they said I'd need a release.

I may go ahead & try the 'captive agent' thing . . . .sounds like a good idea. Worth a shot.

Anyway, I'm making other plans with a new GA. Hopefully that will be better.
Thanks again!

Today has been frought with more problems with NAA & this whole arrangement. They've "lost" applications of mine & now I found out that one policy I wrote has been attributed to another agent. Upon talking with F&G, they know there was an error, since they have my original paperwork.

I feel sooooo dorked about this whole thing. Is there no recourse. Aren't they every held responsible for 'breach of contract'?

Having not been in this business long, this is eye-opening. And I thought big corporate telecomm & techonology were bad. NAA makes them look like saints!

I need to wait to get paid on the business I've written & sever this relationship for good. I do appreciate your help & advice. Sounds like you've been in the business awhile & are a real expert. I'm embarrassed I didn't see this coming. :oops:
I'm just wondering, how long can F&G go with groups like NAA or being proclaimed upon high by the likes of Doug Andrew? Am I missing something here, I assume not to business with F&G and any GA that suggested they use F&G as their main product would send up red flags for me. Not to say I know of any GA that relies on any one carrier to a point of not signing a agent because of an issue of appointment but, I'm sure there is some out there?
The saga continues

I just got off the phone with my NAA pals. I told them that a different agent was getting credit for a sale I made & the response was as follows:

" F&G has a Â"ruleÂ" (for lack of a better word) that states if one agent has sold to a client (regardless of the product) no other agent may sale to that one client. That is the situation that occurred with Donna Nunley. These cases rarely happen – but unfortunately they do happen. This is the reason why the other agent received credit for that policy. As I told you during our interview, our office is here to help you. "

HUH??? This woman (MY CLIENT) has no other life insurance & has not bought any from anyone but me. I don't get it! I don't remember anyone else being there except me when I took the application & the original paperwork is on file with F&G. NAA told me that I should not call F&G since they tell me one thing & them another. WHAT???

I'm ready to call a lawyer about their deceptive practices. They are having a 'meeting' in my town tomorrow night. My manager will not call me about these issues & they told me to go the meeting (an hour away) to talk to him. WHAT??? I told her that I'd show up with a news team & a lawyer in tow. They don't want me to go there to discuss this.

They say they have nothing to hide. BULL! Any suggestions here?? I'll be sure to be very public about the way they lie to people & then try to steal from them. . . . .Horrible organization.

F&G has a rule that whoever the F&G agent is that first signs up a client is going to be the agent for that client. They do that to protect each agent. They will do that to protect the business you already wrote if some other person comes along to write another F&G policy.

I ran into this once when I drove 7 hours away to make what I thought would be a killing in sales only to find out another NAA agent was in that town a week before me and cleaned up. I did manage to write a policy but it turned out the other NAA agent wrote that person also.

So, my policy was declined. I asked the customer I wrote a policy on if he had done any business with anyone else before me and he said no.
That was a very expensive trip and I got zip for it. I did learn some very expensive lessons though.

When you said on your previous posts that the other agent is getting credit for a policy you wrote, did you mean they are getting a commission on it or just recognized for the sale?
according to F&G, I was the only application they had

Explain that to me??? I did nothing wrong here & did ask the client if they had anything pending. Her answer was no.

I have filed a complaint with the BBB about the NAA affiliate that I'm dealing with & will call the client to let her know that I'm no longer their agent. let's see what she says about that.

If that is the F&G policy, I guess NAA should make it clear to agents that their business can be taken from them, even though they supplied you with the fraudulent lead & you are doing nothing more than carrying out your end of the deal as promised.

I think they are deceptive at best & will never deal with them again. They are nothing more than thieves who risk my personal credibility with the clients I see & build relationships with.

I'm very disheartened by this . . . .

NAA is an Independent Marketing Organization or IMO. They are just like any other IMO only a lot bigger. The issue with NAA is that they are not like McDonals where everything is standardized no matter where you are in the U.S.A.

Each manager basically runs there own NAA office the way they want to. They just do business through NAA as an IMO. Where ever you find people, you find good ones and bad ones. NAA is no exception to that when it comes to managers. It sounds like you have a manager that doesn't care much about your concernes.

Your manager is a 1099 just like you are and I am. He doesn't work directly for NAA. He just puts business through there IMO because he likes the promotions he will get in the future. It sounds to me like you are getting a feel for the insurance business. It isn't easy to make money in it but it can be made. You may end up doing a lot of switching between brokers, GA's and IMO's until you find what works for you.

This is the natural progression it seems of many people on this board. If you stay in this business and find the right combination, you will do very well for yourself. The difficult part is letting go of the bad stuff like what happened to you and staying focused on the good stuff like what you can make happen for you.

It does sound like what your going through is an issue with F&G not NAA.