Is Ebola Covered Under ACA?

True the CDC said she was ok to fly and the head should be replaced, but how long has she been a professional health care worker and really knew better?

Yep, actuaries are pulling their hair out today.


Canada Leads The Way On Ebola Experimental Drugs: ZMapp, TKM-Ebola And VSV-EBOV

She is an American nurse who probably only knew about Ebola by name prior to Duncan being admitted on the 28th of September. She asked people that should have known better if it was safe and took them at their word.

She isn't an expert and relied upon the opinion of someone who is supposed to be one. The US government ought to pick up the hospital tab if anyone catches the disease from her.
She is an American nurse who probably only knew about Ebola by name prior to Duncan being admitted on the 28th of September. She asked people that should have known better if it was safe and took them at their word.

She isn't an expert and relied upon the opinion of someone who is supposed to be one. The US government ought to pick up the hospital tab if anyone catches the disease from her.

I admit the CDC is screwed up and bad and the head should be fired, but don't tell me she did not know about ebola and certainly after she help treat Duncan and then he died she most have known the horror of the disease. She could have cancelled her flight, she had no right to put passenger's in danger. I feel sorry for her on a couple of fronts: First she has ebola, the posts about her on the internet are calling for her head and she is enduring experimental treatments. I am sorry she has Ebola. People are too self absorbed these days and she just had to get to Ohio to make plans for her wedding and didn't think of personal responsibility.

BTW the almighty HHS has contracted with someone to work on developing a third immunization, we'll see how this works:
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Health Insurance Coverage - Hospitalized vs Quarantined.

If you're hospitalized due to possibly having Ebola, your ObamaCare plan will cover most the costs, assuming in-network providers take care of you.

But being quarantined/monitored for 21 days presents an entirely different set of expenses. Some MAY BE covered by health insurance, if they are "medically necessary".

Full Story: Here
