Is It Better Off Starting An Independent Agency ?

Talk to a buddy of yours also ask him..
1. should u get married
2. If you should move out of ur parents house
3. If you need a hair cut
4. If need a full time bodyguard

Let's us know what the out come is.

Let's us know what the out come is OF THAT!
Also ask your buddy if you should continue to take Viagra? You old guys are something else.
Talk to a buddy of yours also ask him..
1. should u get married
2. If you should move out of ur parents house
3. If you need a hair cut
4. If need a full time bodyguard

Let's us know what the out come is.

Talking to a buddy can be great if it is an informed, knowledgeable, wise buddy but on the other hand..............
He has his own home based insurance business but hes to far away to train me.He does Great!!! But then again hes not a kid.
You need to spend some time with the agents currently doing the job you are looking at and see if you even want to work in that line of insurance. People can give you advice until they are blue in the face, but the reality is that you have to be happy with your choice. This is not a get rich quick scheme, therefore you need to choose the type of insurance you see yourself selling over the long haul, because it will take a few years to get where you want to be. There are pro's and con's to selling every line of insurance, and you get to decide which one suits you.

thanks crazymaynard

I recently turned the big 50 and just purchased an independent agency. I had been a captive agent for about eight years and had worked part time for a Shelter agent several years before that. If you are new to the business I would strongly suggest a stint as a captive just to make sure you like the the business, if not then you are not out a lot of time and money. Captive's typically offer good training, well most of the time. I have to say that I wish I would have become an independent agent years ago as it has been the best move I could have made. I don't miss the corporate crap at all. There is no one calling every day or emailing as to how many life apps you have and how many P&C quotes you have generated.

Are you looking at P&C or life and health? Medicare supplements, LTC and life & health could be done from home and seems to be the quickest way to get up and running.

Good luck on your decision. We are never to old to learn!
I talked with a pal of mine Lastnight and he said i should look into my own insurance Business rather then working foIf your farmers or family etc etc. what do you guys think? iam 50 years old is that to old to start a business?:nah:

50 is definitely not too old. You would just need to get equipped with the right carriers that would fit your particular nitch. Also, if you know anyone who you would want to bring on with you get them on-board. IMO's can help with this process as they can help build your agency and create a down-line system to implement any agents you bring on, along with setting you up with the carriers you want on favorable commission levels.
50 is definitely not too old. You would just need to get equipped with the right carriers that would fit your particular nitch. Also, if you know anyone who you would want to bring on with you get them on-board. IMO's can help with this process as they can help build your agency and create a down-line system to implement any agents you bring on, along with setting you up with the carriers you want on favorable commission levels.

Yep, and Next Generation IS NOT the place to go!