Is SF Good on Commercial P&C?

This is my first post so first I wanted to say Hi and thank you to all who contribute to this board. I have learned so much from you all!

I bought a Slim Sharp portable scanner when I started out in November and it has worked very well for me. I paid $61 for it on Amazon but it looks like the price has gone up a little bit. It looks a lot like the one VaDwayne posted. It is so much easier than writing everything down and asking a bunch of questions.

I also heard there was an iphone app that works good. You take a picture of the document and it saves it in pdf format I believe. I have never used it though.
Thanks again all. And on the same wavelength, I typically will just take pictures of the policy pages with my android and convert to pdf at the office.

I'm just trying to press this guy to see if he wants to get serious and have me earn his business. I'm not going to just quote to keep his agent honest.
The plot thickens;

So I go meet with the business owner and see that occiassionally they take in customer's vehicles to apply decals and commercial vehicle wrap type applications. And the vehicles will stay there on average a day or two. I asked if they had GarageKeepers and Garage Liability? Didn't know. They called their SF agent and the agent said their liability policy covers them for that exposure. To which I said 'no, it does not.'

Any chance I'm wrong on that? Saw what was supposedly all their policies and didn't see any GKGL.
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The plot thickens;

So I go meet with the business owner and see that occiassionally they take in customer's vehicles to apply decals and commercial vehicle wrap type applications. And the vehicles will stay there on average a day or two. I asked if they had GarageKeepers and Garage Liability? Didn't know. They called their SF agent and the agent said their liability policy covers them for that exposure. To which I said 'no, it does not.'

Any chance I'm srong on that? Saw what was supposedly all their policies and didn't see any GKGL.

GL specifically excludes autos.
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The plot thickens;

So I go meet with the business owner and see that occiassionally they take in customer's vehicles to apply decals and commercial vehicle wrap type applications. And the vehicles will stay there on average a day or two. I asked if they had GarageKeepers and Garage Liability? Didn't know. They called their SF agent and the agent said their liability policy covers them for that exposure. To which I said 'no, it does not.'

Any chance I'm srong on that? Saw what was supposedly all their policies and didn't see any GKGL.

I like your Georgia avatar. One of my best friends played short stop for Georgia when they won the college world series.
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Did you see their policy? It should be listed on there if they have coverage.

Again, I don't know State Farm, but I'm sure they can endorse on Garage Keepers liability. They may not have done it though, just trying to get the minimum price.

I ask because I have a prospect that is a business sign manufacturer with installation, has over 30 employees, over $4m in revenue, and a 40k+ sq. ft. facility and SF has it on some sort of BOP form for a silly low premium. It doesn't make good sense to me. What do you guys say?

I don't know what state you are in but I am in Phoenix AZ and State Farm is horrible with CL. Basically if its not a flower shop or beauty salon we weren't good at it...

Most likely there is coverage missing everyone is correct...
so obviously i have been recruited to potentially become a state farm agent..i have read many posts on here describing how it is nearly impossible to make a successful run @ this..i have the potiental of landing a book of business that contains 1500 autos w avg premiums around $610..750 fire w avg premiums of $640..and life and health described as not much there..i have made my business plan and it seems as though i may be able to make this thing work..the area i live in is some-what depressed and rent should be fairly inexpensive and have added substantial $$$'s for marketing and leads..i have read on here i will potentially need 4000 leads a yr to produce what i will need to succeed and meet quota..i have also read that the financial services is a tough nut to crack and they are very strict on this as looking for a little guidance on this one..i have had a tough go on the job front lately and would love the "potential" that state farm seems they could provide down the road..i know many of you have tried this out was well and was curious if you could give me any me it seems like they have set me up with a book of business to cover costs of doing business and it is up to me to produce sales to make money..appreciate any and all feedback