Is This a Phantom Co.?


New Member
Hi does anyone know about ? I found their Ad on craigslist but nothing on the Forum.
You've now asked this 4 times.

Yes, most of us know.

No, we won't tell you.

Keep posting the same question over and over. It might help.

Hi, Since I got no response I thought I was posting in the wrong place.
Why will you not answer about it ? Thats seems so weird.You all comment on everything else. Can't you help on this one, please.
Thank you..I got it!
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Thank you... I got it now!
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Hi, Since I got no response I thought I was posting in the wrong place.
Why will you not answer about it ? Thats seems so weird.You all comment on everything else. Can't you help on this one, please.

Don't mind Rick.. He had a good friend banned from the forum and he is having sympathy pains.. :laugh: