It is So Cold....


1000 Post Club
We're closing the office. The water froze last night and it'll be late afternoon before anyone gets out here to fix it.
We're closing the office. The water froze last night and it'll be late afternoon before anyone gets out here to fix it.

Speaking of Missouri. Is that chick Sarah still Secretary of State there?

I would like to see more of her and less of Pelosi and Boxer please.

Thanking you in advance.

While in the military I was in South Dakota for about 30 days during the winter. I don't know how people live there during the winter. Not to mention I was perm. stationed in Maine where it got Coldddddd. Snow I hate it... Maine was the only place I know of where when a moose and a car met, the cars always lost. Those Maine moose killed many Volkswagon rabbits
We're closing the office. The water froze last night and it'll be late afternoon before anyone gets out here to fix it.

We have very mild weather in California. Oh yeah, I forgot, most of you guys want to live in Alabama of 1958 !! :D :D

But if you don't mind gays, Orientals, blacks, Hispanics, and the entire stir-fry of ethnics, come out here and enjoy our warm sun, our beaches, our bikini-clad women, and the entire mindset of being FREE. Of course if you are from Hog-Swill, Kentucky, it's going to be a bit of an adjustment.

I can just see Six-Gun Concealed Carry playing beach volleyball at Venice Beach with girls he can only imagine... but which we see every day. (The second from the left is a client. For some strange reason my first, current and very expensive wife of 28 years is not all that happy about it. I don't understand why... but I find that wives are like that. Maybe yours is more "understanding." I hope so. I take the team to lunch and she gets bent out of shape. What's the big deal here? Talk to me! You guys might score, but no chance for me. Getting old really sucks. Nice gals... all of them. And no, none of them are going to move to Hog-Swill, KY! (Actually, all are married... my client has a 2 year old. Her husband is a TV sit-com star whom you would know. Women keep well in CA! Not so much in Hog-Swill!))

"We're closing the office. The water froze last night and it'll be late afternoon before anyone gets out here to fix it."

Maybe if you had not been such a tight ass and turned the heat down so far the pipes would not have froze did you think of that my ozarkian hillbilly friend/:1confused:
We have very mild weather in California. Oh yeah, I forgot, most of you guys want to live in Alabama of 1958 !! :D :D

But if you don't mind gays, Orientals, blacks, Hispanics, and the entire stir-fry of ethnics, come out here and enjoy our warm sun, our beaches, our bikini-clad women, and the entire mindset of being FREE. Of course if you are from Hog-Swill, Kentucky, it's going to be a bit of an adjustment.

I can just see Six-Gun Concealed Carry playing beach volleyball at Venice Beach with girls he can only imagine... but which we see every day. (The second from the left is a client. For some strange reason my first, current and very expensive wife of 28 years is not all that happy about it. I don't understand why... but I find that wives are like that. Maybe yours is more "understanding." I hope so. I take the team to lunch and she gets bent out of shape. What's the big deal here? Talk to me! You guys might score, but no chance for me. Getting old really sucks. Nice gals... all of them. And no, none of them are going to move to Hog-Swill, KY! (Actually, all are married... my client has a 2 year old. Her husband is a TV sit-com star whom you would know. Women keep well in CA! Not so much in Hog-Swill!))


Sacramento is a far cry from this picture. I lived there for 7 years and it's the arm pit of California. Hotter than hell in the summer and cold and wet in the winter.
Sacramento is a far cry from this picture. I lived there for 7 years and it's the arm pit of California. Hotter than hell in the summer and cold and wet in the winter.

Like most agents, I have clients all over the state. I also travel a bit to Southern CA... about a 7 to 8 hour drive... depending on how fast you drive at 65!

I rather like the weather in Sacramento... obviously since I've lived here for 27 years. While we get about 15 or so days of 100+ weather in the summer, the rest of the season is rather comfortable... very dry so the heat is not that bad. But Jody is right that when it hits 107, you really do feel it. Winters are gray, cold, but short. Anyway, it beats hell out of living in Hog-Swill, Kentucky.