And we 'wonder' why the public does little to nothing when it comes to many insurance offerings....a confused minds does nothing and how CAN'T one be confused when even the PROS seem all over the place, on advice.
When licensed 'trained' agents go
what about this....
well haven't you heard of that......
wouldn't do that b/c of this....
so many diverse ideas and opinions on what to do w/ other ppl's money (lives) there's no wonder why ppl say 'eff it i'll just leave it in the mattress vs picking wrong.
So differences of opinion shouldn't exist...?
I just assumed that some on here are security licensed and some aren't. If that is the case... then some will utilize insurance as an option and others will utilize 529 or other investment options.
I guess it is positive that people can provide their opinions. Hopefully a discussion like this leads to less confusion.