John Hancock - Delaware Rate Increase

Delaware schedules Hancock LTCI rate hearing
December 20, 2011

The Delaware Department of Insurance plans to hold a public information session Dec. 28 on a long-term care insurance (LTCI) rate increase application filed by John Hancock Life Insurance Company.​

John Hancock, Boston, wants to increase premium rates on individual LTCI policies issued from 1991 to 2009 an average of 36 percent, according to the rate filing.​

The company is asking for 21.5 percent increases for a block of policies sold from 2004 to 2009 and another block sold from 2004 to 2006.​

The company is asking for 71.1 percent increases for two blocks sold from 2002 to 2004.​

The increases would affect 1,199 policyholders, the company says.​

Because Delaware limits increases to 30 percent per year, John Hancock, a unit of Manulife Financial Corp., Toronto (TSX:MFC), will implement some of the increases in two stages, the company says.​

The new rates would take effect on the next policy anniversary date, after a 60-day policyholder notification period, and policyholders could ask for their premiums to be held down by asking for policy modifications, the company says.​

Manulife has classified LTCI as a product that is not targeted for growth.​
Don't you ever have any good news to report?

How's this?

Boston Mass

John Hancock Rescinds Their Rate Increase Request of 71.1%
John Hancock announced today that after careful consideration, they have decided to DECREASE their requested 71.1% rate increase to 71.0%.

The End......

Hey, don't be pissed at ther messenger.​