Just About Seen It All Now

You don't know if someone has done that to you......I had never seen that either in my 20 years of doing this. Some people on Medicare disbility are probably pretty desperate to get Medicare supplement coverage, it is sometimes difficult to get when your under 65

Seems like companies in 2009 could verify the age of the applicant, whereas years ago apparently they couldn't or didn't.
I had a healthy size case(term-life express), that was just issued with MoO where the applicant had to complete a phone interview.

I had originally written Lafayette Life term on the applicant and it required a paramed exam...+ blood profile and urine specimen. Lafayette Life postponed him because of high cholesterol numbers + his white blood cell count was low because of an infected tooth(that he's now had pulled).

When MoO got the application and got his paramed results from MIB, the underwriter decided on a phone interview. Other than the paramed results, he's healthy.

Here's the part where I fell out of my chair. According to his wife...during the MoO PI, they asked him if he had done drugs...he told them...yes, I use to do meth daily over 10 years ago. He also told them about the high cholesterol numbers.

On the MoO application, they only go back 10 years on drugs. Apparently what he confessed to them was okay + he told them about the high cholesterol numbers....and they issued him!

Anyone ever have a case like this, that was issued? Standard? I was shocked!

If anyone is looking for a great term product, competitive rates, with limited underwriting and great commission, check out MoO term-life express.

I had a client that admitted to smoking 2 to 3 joints a day on the weekends. He came back issued at preferred smoker rates.

I had another lady lie to me before about smoking. They found out about it during a phone interview. So the company came back approved at smoker rates instead of non smoker rates. The lady called me all upset that they raised the price. She didn't want to tell me in person because she was a Christian and didn't want me to think bad of her, but she told the underwriter on a phone interview. Then she didn't think it was right that they charge her more because I quoted her a lower price. She wanted my boss's name to get me fired. I said I am the boss. You have to have a good sense of humor in this business.
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Back in my big life production days I've seen some doozies.

I remember one that had to do with drugs. The application clearly ask about drug use... NO was his answer. One the PI he goes the other way... YES. They close the case.

He calls me wanting me to find him another option. NO...was my answer.

Why? You lied to me. I asked you the exact question and you lied. I don't have business relations with liars. If you'd have been truthfull I had another carrier that we could have gone with to get around this issue.

Good bye.

It does get frustrating when people lie to you. I've realized that most people lie about some things in life. The important thing is to understand why they lie. Once you realize that it's easier to overcome. I always emphasize to my clients to be honest about all the questions that are asked, but not to give more than they ask for. For example if they say in the past 10 years. I want to hear everything in the past 10 years but don't tell me about anything that happened 11 years ago.

If I do have someone who I think may be holding something back I'll share a true story about a small group client I had for health and term life. The guy said he was on high blood pressure meds and had migraines. I said let's put it down on the application. Two months later I get a call from his wife that he was driving to work, pulled over, had a brain aneurysm and died. Since the policy was in the incontestable period the insurance company pulled up his application, read about the high blood pressure and migraines and cut the check the next day. Had we not disclosed that in his application she probably wouldn't have been paid.

So I let them feel like I'm on their side and no matter what I can get them covered. But by being honest with me it will help me guide them to the right company to do it and make sure they get paid if something does happen.
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