Lead Costs & Conversions

Thanks for he advice, it is really appreciated. I am only going top market med supps in 2010 and am going to branch out a bit in my marketing for 2010 just to increase the amount of people being contacted. I am still going to do phone work but also pursue other avenues. I guess we'll have to see how 2010 goes.

I wouldn't say that my new mail peice is too specific, but it doesn't look like it came from a government agency either.

Why don't you just put your DM piece up here on the forum and invite comments?
theinsurancem an;210422 said:
Why don't you just put your DM piece up here on the forum and invite comments?

I have had several local agents give me advice on it.

You also asked,"If the very, very directly worded lead card was viable, don't you think all agencies would already be using them?"

People come up with new ideas all of the time, that is how marketing agencies stay in business. thinking outside of the box is essential to success in sales. I also have a brochure idea that I am going to try.
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I agree that you have to try new ideas. It sounds like you've worked hard this year to give yourself the flexibility to try new things. There's no reward without some risk. Good luck and I'll be interested in seeing which things end up working the best for you. Keep us updated when you start seeing results.
What's up with all the broad questions lately??? Do people really think they can get an accurate answer on things like this?

Let's see... how many things can affect one lead generation situation over another:
1. How many times has some other agent from some other mail house mailed that area.
2. What does your mail piece look like.
3. What is the quality of the list being mailed (this can be surprising for some agents). I've bought the same list being mailed before, mailed my own post card, and got upto 20% return for bad information. So... I was paying $360/1000 to mail pieces to bad addresses.
4. What is the experience of the agent
5. Does the agent do drop by's or just call asking for the appointment.
6. What is the closing technique and ratio of said agent.
7. What company's products are being offered. Just one company or a variety so that you have a higher chance of having a product to suit more clients.
What's up with all the broad questions lately??? Do people really think they can get an accurate answer on things like this?

Let's see... how many things can affect one lead generation situation over another:
1. How many times has some other agent from some other mail house mailed that area.
2. What does your mail piece look like.
3. What is the quality of the list being mailed (this can be surprising for some agents). I've bought the same list being mailed before, mailed my own post card, and got upto 20% return for bad information. So... I was paying $360/1000 to mail pieces to bad addresses.
4. What is the experience of the agent
5. Does the agent do drop by's or just call asking for the appointment.
6. What is the closing technique and ratio of said agent.
7. What company's products are being offered. Just one company or a variety so that you have a higher chance of having a product to suit more clients.

That is an excellent start. I assumed that you stopped there because you got tired of typing, not because you couldn't think of more to add. I know it wouldn't be very difficult to come up with and additional eight or even sixteen more.
That is an excellent start. I assumed that you stopped there because you got tired of typing, not because you couldn't think of more to add. I know it wouldn't be very difficult to come up with and additional eight or even sixteen more.

Actually I stopped because I had a phone call for a "new to me" client. We'll get the H/W pair from the best lead source in the world:

Word of Mouth referrals from taking care of existing clients like they were the most important thing in my life.