Leads...Medicare Advantage


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
I do not sell any Medicare Advantage plans. However, I get about 40-50 leads per month from my website for people under 65 that want Medicare Advantage plans. I get these leads mostly from SC, NC, VA, TN, TX and GA. If anyone sells Med. Advantage over the phone and can handle some or all of these states send me a PM so we can talk. I have a few people that really need help but only want Med. Advantage plans.
[email protected]
I'm assuming this is AEP leads? If you are getting these via T-65's, you should get non-res' in those states and certify. Is there something in your website that is attracting MA clients? Whatever it is, it's working!!!

I do not sell any Medicare Advantage plans. However, I get about 40-50 leads per month from my website for people under 65 that want Medicare Advantage plans. I get these leads mostly from SC, NC, VA, TN, TX and GA. If anyone sells Med. Advantage over the phone and can handle some or all of these states send me a PM so we can talk. I have a few people that really need help but only want Med. Advantage plans.
[email protected]
MA leads that are under 65. I suspect these are either Dual Eligible or T-65 leads?

Most of my under 65 MA clients are on Medicare disability. The rest are duals.

I almost never get a T-65... they usually respond to the flood of mailers from carriers and call in and sign up over the phone or else do their shopping online. Since the trend in merchandise shopping for the past decade has been towards online... and T-65s are usually net savvy, I expect that web sales will come to dominate the T-65 market in the near future if it hasn't done so already. That's why I built my web site, and am trying to get CMS approval to market online. It's not easy because you have to go through each MAO to get to CMS.