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Yoda has about 370 posts and not one of them adds value other than calling others shills, dishonest, stupid, etc.

How about just one post with something positive or offering real advice?

It takes a real man to offer something - just a pu$$y to complain and finger point. And yes, I am calling you out.

Yoda has about 370 posts and not one of them adds value other than calling others shills, dishonest, stupid, etc.

How about just one post with something positive or offering real advice?

It takes a real man to offer something - just a pu$ to complain and finger point. And yes, I am calling you out.


Oh your just mad because I pointed out how you screwed a client over by referring him to some rookie dufus you met on the net who was only half assed trained on the phone by "Frankie". I'm sorry I called you unethical but if the shoe fits! I see that thread about that matter got buried in the "fight club". That was sure forunate for the bad guy er I mean fortunate for you to have that thread showing you as unethical swept under the carpet so to speak. You are a shill and I have to wonder about the integrity of anyone that would have much to do with you. So put that in your pipe and smoke it!:1arghh:

P.S........I never knew the "Fight Club" existed until the last few days. I couldnt help but notice that none of those threads in there were pertaining to me however a number of them involved you. How do you explain that?:1arghh:
P.S........I never knew the "Fight Club" existed until the last few days. I couldnt help but notice that none of those threads in there were pertaining to me however a number of them involved you. How do you explain that?:1arghh:

Not that Rick needs any defending, but I do like slapping you around. First, there are threads on their about you and how ignorant you are. Second, Rick has been on this forum MUCH longer than you have and by volume has exposed himself to be more likely to be in the fight club. Third, and on an unrelated note, you really can't tell who the shills are vs the legit GA's and it cracks me UP!