Leads... What makes them 'high quality' and how much should I pay?

Infinity is pretty much right on this one.

There are two types of agents. Those who complain about marketing costs, and those who are busy writing business.

That's it. Anyone who is succeeding at any level knows that they must market to survive and it has a cost. Now, that cost varies from agent to agent. Some build and maintain their own websites, some do their own social media lead gen. Some still cold call or walk and talk. Others hit the Chamber of Commerce and other networking events, such as Infinity's Construction Conference. And other still buy leads in some shape or form. And finally the really smart ones did one or more of these and have now built a network of referral sources and clients who refer.

Without a doubt, if you want to succeed, you must market and it will cost you something. Sometimes money, sometimes time, and usually a combination of the two.

But one thing I have noticed. Everyone gets obsessed about closing percentage and cost per lead when it comes to leads. Yet without fail, almost everyone ignores the two real metrics. Cost Per Acquisition and Return On Investment. And even those pale compared to the real one, Net Profit.
High Quality Lead means they are sitting at the table with their pen in one hand and their checkbook in the other waiting for you to get there, fill out the app and tell them how much it is.

A manager I had years ago was great at telling us how easy it was to sell life insurance. His favorite phrase was, "A dog with a note in his mouth could sell more than you did last week".

Great morale booster . . .
A manager I had years ago was great at telling us how easy it was to sell life insurance. His favorite phrase was, "A dog with a note in his mouth could sell more than you did last week".

Great morale booster . . .

I like that one. I had a very similar phrase, I just wish I could remember it now. I won't say it is easy, but there are some agents who try to over complicate it and over think it. Agents who would probably sell more insurance simply saying, "You wouldn't want to buy any life insurance, would you?"
A manager I had years ago was great at telling us how easy it was to sell life insurance. His favorite phrase was, "A dog with a note in his mouth could sell more than you did last week".

Great morale booster . . .
Yeah, when I was with National Life and Accident, our Reginald Manager made the statement,. "A collie dog could run a debit. ".... I spoke up and said, "Maybe you go out and hire a bunch of D**n collie dogs"... Thought my staff manager and district manager were going to have a heart attack! I fully expected to be fired on the spot but wasn't.. In fact, three months later he approved my promotion to staff manager.
Yeah, when I was with National Life and Accident, our Reginald Manager made the statement,. "A collie dog could run a debit. ".... I spoke up and said, "Maybe you go out and hire a bunch of D**n collie dogs"... Thought my staff manager and district manager were going to have a heart attack! I fully expected to be fired on the spot but wasn't.. In fact, three months later he approved my promotion to staff manager.

Guy was a complete tool.

Every knows Golden Retrievers do a much better job of running a debit route.
Could be a tall tale, but I was told Mehdi did that. Riding elevators in NYC and asking that question.

I've heard the story too. I don't think it would work well. That said, for some agents it would still probably work better than what they do currently.
There is said to have been a time many many years ago. When men and women were instructed in an ancient Jedi mind trick. These men and women were said to be gifted with wit, courage and the smile that could beguile the average person into scribing a check for little more than a promise. A promise to provide vast amounts of wealth for mear copper pennys on the dollar. And this promise was not to be upheld until after the death of the owner.

What was this great and powerful mind trick called, you certainly must be asking. - Prospecting

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