Legal Plan Question


I have to say that I am in total agreement with you. I am amazed at the time some people will spend to make a $100. It takes much less time to make a $1000 if you have the right product, and know what you are doing. I don't think any insurance agent worth his salt will ever spend time selling any type of prepaid legal plan for $100.

My 2 cents.:biggrin:

To be agent just can't expend the ENERGY that the public demands to move ANY product that produces only $100 commission WITH CHARGEBACKS??????????

Why 'pull teeth' trying to convince folks to TRY $100 liver that probably has great vitamins for the body......when you know they will actually seek out your greasy $1000 burgers with less effort and instead of 'pleading' with them to SEE the value. They are ASKING can they get bacon on top of that........
Liver maybe great for the public's health but if they aren't lining up to buy 'em like flapjacks, your effort must be measured.
Commission structure has nothing to do with it.
I fancy myself more of a marketer than anything else and folks just aren't as willing to 'talk' or respond to the 'legal plan' carrot at a large enough clip to pay specific attention to it.

I know PPL guys will disagree but 'selling' plans by 'selling the dream' of getting rich selling plans isn't the same thing as selling plans.....
i.e. People 'buy' Life Insurance they don't generally buy it to get 'qualified' to sell it to others (Big difference).

The issue isn't the POLICY it's the PUBLIC....
They just don't see the VALUE and as fishermen we have bait our hooks with what the fish have shown us (with their actions, not their words) their willing to 'bite' on and legal ain't it.

Not at a the 'expense' of an agents TIME that could be spent a bus driver or sales clerk from Wal-Mart doing 'the business' part-time maybe a different story but IMHO a professional would be better served to find better bait.

I say so with a heavy heart, cause as I mentioned earlier more people should have legal coverage, especially as cheap as it is, however since I don't run a charity I need to focus on the 'shiny' items that fish bite on.

Ex. The American public should eat healthy and married men should go home and help their kids with homework but......
the reality is triple cheese burgers, curly fries and lap dances at the titty bar are 'shiny' and the wheat grass sandwich shop closes earlier than strip club and the 24hr drive thru for a reason......
Where would you invest your money if your GOAL was a return on you're money......just sayin'

LOL..Many points are funny but true. Something to consider is there are many people in LS who are making great incomes. the difference is the level of committment.

Some people offer it as a group benefit so that means the potential of more sales at one sitting. Not all things are for all people and as some say something can't be done there is someone doing it. So basically like all things it comes down to each their own.