Let's say you have $2.5MM in Employee Benefits Book of Business

How much would that generate revenue wise for your company?

It would be highly dependent on the amount of participants. Many group health plans now pay per participant, so the Premium is meaningless. (I am assuming you mean $2.5m in annual premium)

Ancillary group products pay per Premium. So you could carve that amount out and figure out the annual renewals.... but it could also vary by product and which comp option was chosen.

Self-Funded often pays 5%-8% comp.

Ancillary you could just assume a 10% annual comp.

No way to know what the number is for fully funded group without knowing the number of participants.

But if I had to guestimate, I'd say they are pulling in $120k-$150k in revenue.
scagnt83 is correct, there are many variables and moving parts. I just did a quote for a self-funded group with $1,250,000 all in costs. The group has 100 employees. Requested comp was $16 PCPM, or $19,200. The usual load I see is $32 PCPM, or $38,400. Since this quote was half of what you used in your question, simply double the comp.

Hope this helps.