- 3,165
I've been having a really really tough time this month, and I dont know why! I havent changed anything I do, but yet my appts are being canceled or no shows more then DOUBLE the normal rate, several ppl I cant get ahold of or on vacation, several thought it was a free or health insurance program (much more then normal), and the VERY FEW I do get in front of usually have some & have no real need now- just kinda seeing whats out there!! I also have 2-3ppl that need a few weeks or so for the time to pass to be able to answer the app questions with a NO!
Anyways, I had to do a "go-back" appt today cause the lady's daughter had to find their LH policy purchased about 5mos ago after her hubby died. The 1st time I was there, the daughter thought it was for $25k for $56 (73/F/NS-good health)....No way thats happening!! Turns out it was only $10k for $86....so she got $14k for $86.61 with RNA today with me. (10k was only $62 vs $86)
Im still having a HORRIFIC month after posting almost 9k last month, but a client with an existing LH policy always helps....replaced all 3 Ive come across so far.
Thanks LH!
Is anyone here currently having luck using a dailer (or having someone else do it) and calling from a cold call list of ppl in our demo?? I dont think so, but if so pls share details, thanks!
Anyways, I had to do a "go-back" appt today cause the lady's daughter had to find their LH policy purchased about 5mos ago after her hubby died. The 1st time I was there, the daughter thought it was for $25k for $56 (73/F/NS-good health)....No way thats happening!! Turns out it was only $10k for $86....so she got $14k for $86.61 with RNA today with me. (10k was only $62 vs $86)
Im still having a HORRIFIC month after posting almost 9k last month, but a client with an existing LH policy always helps....replaced all 3 Ive come across so far.
Thanks LH!
Is anyone here currently having luck using a dailer (or having someone else do it) and calling from a cold call list of ppl in our demo?? I dont think so, but if so pls share details, thanks!
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