Life Insurance and Pregnancy


1000 Post Club
Is pregnancy an issue with underwriting for a life insurance policy? I dont see the question on any applications, aside from questions like "been advised to have hospitalization or surgery that has not been completed?" etc
Is pregnancy an issue with underwriting for a life insurance policy? I dont see the question on any applications, aside from questions like "been advised to have hospitalization or surgery that has not been completed?" etc

General rule of thumb.
Assuming "normal" pregnancy first trimester is no issue. Second trimester probably no issue build could change rate class will want to explain pre pregnancy weight. If labs are out of wack could be a postpone. Third trimester probably a postpone.


Things like gestational diabetes, proteins and such are going to be kinda sorta up to the underwriters discretion. A good cover letter helps.
Sooner is better than later. Complications are unlikely to have developed early on. Also after can be problematic. The weight doesn't always come off, and if there was gestational diabetes, it may affect the rate is right after the pregnancy, not to mention if there were other complications.
she is currently about 6 weeks in.

so yall are saying it should be written now, not after the baby?
And i can still expect her to get either a std rating or preffered? (aside from the pregnancy she is in excellent health)
she is currently about 6 weeks in.

so yall are saying it should be written now, not after the baby?
And i can still expect her to get either a std rating or preffered? (aside from the pregnancy she is in excellent health)

Yes, all rates should be available and yes, get it now. Her health isn't going to get any better and it could get worse.
VolAgent is on point; everything is available at normal rates now. Not wishing bad things on anyone, but health is a non-guaranteed entity; things can (and do) change in an instant. Now is the time to address coverage, and do so with an eye toward the future! Company's coming; congrats and well wishes!!!
Six weeks is barely a blip, and unless the carrier is in the dark ages they can adjust for all phases of pregnancy, build or labs.
she is currently about 6 weeks in.

so yall are saying it should be written now, not after the baby?
And i can still expect her to get either a std rating or preffered? (aside from the pregnancy she is in excellent health)

Yes. As well as possible health changes what happens if the child is born and the mother dies during child birth or before they get around to dealing with an insurance agent with a new baby in the home? Also, if available, add the child rider now. The new baby will be automatically covered at day 15 in most cases. With a to age 25 convertible term rider. Could be unnecessary or the only standard issue policy the child ever gets.

Lastly, if you write her now you are her agent. If not you may or may not be her agent later.