Life Insurance... What is your flavor?

I've had prospects to say that "I can buy term online cheaper than that." or "I bought my insurance from selectquote on TV, it was more convenient than dealing with an agent like you." Those are the only two cases, and they were people who I was cold calling on, so, its pretty rare.

I've heard the 1st on/off when I worked internet leads. I don't hear that as much when dealing with small business owners. The only thing that is cheaper is the advice that the particular agent gave them. As for the latter, you cannot fix stupid and if somebody doesn't realize that importance of talking with a professional vs. an hourly worker then they deserve what they get. Are you targeting small business owners? Did you ask the individual or couple how it was more convenient dealing with the online company vs. you?
That was just picking a page out of a phone book, and calling residences. No strategy, no plan, just calling. I didn't get any sales out of it, either. But, I did get past my initial "fear" of cold calling, so I guess it was worth it just for that. Now, I am trying to get up with small businesses, but getting past "gatekeepers" is a trip.

I didn't get a chance to ask the person about why I was less convenient than the tv people, for they hang up on me right after delivering their statement.

Interesting topic, why do we sell what we sell? It would be interesting to know for those who sell primarily whole life, if they are variable licensed? To a large degree, we sell and believe in what we have.

I'm a big believer in VUL's, but I sell term / UL / Whole (not much) and VUL. Personally, I would be hard pressed to buy a whole life policy for my self, but I've sold them to people when they were a fit for the person.

ART, WL and UL if they need flexiblity and willing to pay for it. Individuals, mainly younger people, ten year term, of course with the mindset to Convert. Yet, this is only after DI is discussed or at least attempted to be discussed.