Life Sales LLC


They are located in Novato, CA- in business since 1969 and claim over 16,000 agents contracted with them. 90% of their business is annuities. I have done a forum and google search and can't find any agent feedback. Surely someone must have an opinion of them.
They are located in Novato, CA- in business since 1969 and claim over 16,000 agents contracted with them. 90% of their business is annuities. I have done a forum and google search and can't find any agent feedback. Surely someone must have an opinion of them.

They love to claim the 16,000, that does nothing for you at all. Its a waste to even tell somebody that.

They will treat you like 1 of 16,000 however. They are set up to throw as much against the wall and see what sticks, IMO.

Lots of fluff and hype, inexperienced marketers. I'd rate the FMO below average.

You'll be stuck for duration of contract. Used to be 1.5 years with Allianz.

Not a big fan of the former owners. Not sure if its the same people.

I see they still have the postcards business.
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