Everybody should do their part to end flatulence. I've stopped eating bean burritos.....what will you do? I wonder when they will link obamacare to high oil prices
Sebelius Links Healthcare Law To Environment.
The Hill (4/22, Pecquet) reported that HHS Secretary Sebelius said in an Earth Day statement Friday that the "new healthcare law is helping clean up the US environment and improve public health." She said the "health of the American people is directly linked to a healthy environment. At HHS we are committed to doing whatever is necessary to protect the health of all Americans, and we recognize that ensuring a clean and healthy environment is a fundamental part of that effort."
Sebelius Links Healthcare Law To Environment.
The Hill (4/22, Pecquet) reported that HHS Secretary Sebelius said in an Earth Day statement Friday that the "new healthcare law is helping clean up the US environment and improve public health." She said the "health of the American people is directly linked to a healthy environment. At HHS we are committed to doing whatever is necessary to protect the health of all Americans, and we recognize that ensuring a clean and healthy environment is a fundamental part of that effort."