Most of the time a VA without surrender charges is simliar to a C-share concept, they just charge higher annual fees to the client. In a flat or down market, you'll have lots of 'splaining to do, ricky.
Not that I am a big fan of the VA due to higher fees... but with the right VA (and I have been away from them too long to know which ones still offer the feature), a client can switch between the family of funds INSIDE the VA. This does NOT trigger a taxable event since it is still sheltered inside of the VA wrapper. So one can effectively accomplish mkt timing without the downside of triggering LTCG or STCG, depending upon the holding period that would be realized tranferring in any family of mutual funds; (outside a VA).
So the VA can hold a specific advantage in that respect and it can work well for the right client who plans on timing the mkt over time.