Liquid Annuity

Most of the time a VA without surrender charges is simliar to a C-share concept, they just charge higher annual fees to the client. In a flat or down market, you'll have lots of 'splaining to do, ricky.

Not that I am a big fan of the VA due to higher fees... but with the right VA (and I have been away from them too long to know which ones still offer the feature), a client can switch between the family of funds INSIDE the VA. This does NOT trigger a taxable event since it is still sheltered inside of the VA wrapper. So one can effectively accomplish mkt timing without the downside of triggering LTCG or STCG, depending upon the holding period that would be realized tranferring in any family of mutual funds; (outside a VA).

So the VA can hold a specific advantage in that respect and it can work well for the right client who plans on timing the mkt over time.

Correct. and if the market goes down 1000 points in one day, moving to the fixed account sure won't lose ya money. And really, who's in control over timing the market? If the client wants to do it themselves in a VA wrapper, they can use a no-load product. They certainly don't need an advisor to do it for them.
Correct. and if the market goes down 1000 points in one day, moving to the fixed account sure won't lose ya money. And really, who's in control over timing the market? If the client wants to do it themselves in a VA wrapper, they can use a no-load product. They certainly don't need an advisor to do it for them.

Well, one would think so... but, some of the folks who turned out to be some pretty good investors (having the patience and insights or courage), were some the folks that might have never become an investor at all, without the will of the counselor coaxing them into their early products. Sure, once one has had some success and understands the game, it seems easy. But when they are at the bottom of the mountain staring straight UP, it seem pretty daunting.

So don't underestimate the value and benefit of the counselor (salesman) that first got them engaged. Sure, if they knew then what they have learned to know now, they wouldn't need any help. But not the case.
Yes. Liquid Annuity is offered by a bond manager First Principles Capital Management and one specialty of the firm is to structure annuity like bond portfolios that pays level payments and investor can sell the portfolio anytime at market price.
I am not sure the ING product is comparable - the one offered by FPCM is a SPIA equivalent and pays level cash flows. It is a portfolio of bonds and investor gets to choose taxable, inflation protected or municipal bonds. You can sell the portfolio anytime so it has market liquidity. Early termination penalty and concnetration fo credit risk are a big problems with SPIA and the FPCM laddered bond portfolio solves these problems
I have an annuity product that is 86% liquid from day fees. A+ rated carrier. 1,5,7, and 10 yr terms.
I am a wholesaler, email me and I can give you more information. Dont really like giving carrier names on boards. Thanks.
Still fixated on SunLife, I see.

I have no problem giving carriers names on boards.

PM me and I can give you names of some FMO's that you can contract with. I am NOT a wholesaler, so I will make no money off of my recommendations.

I have an annuity product that is 86% liquid from day fees. A+ rated carrier. 1,5,7, and 10 yr terms.
I am a wholesaler, email me and I can give you more information. Dont really like giving carrier names on boards. Thanks.
I have an annuity product that is 86% liquid from day fees. A+ rated carrier. 1,5,7, and 10 yr terms.
I am a wholesaler, email me and I can give you more information. Dont really like giving carrier names on boards. Thanks.

why does 86% liquid sound like a 14% surrender charge to me?
why does 86% liquid sound like a 14% surrender charge to me?

I wonder why no one is talking about the 2008 version of the Multipoint product that is closer to 93%.

It is not actually a surrender charge. That is the amount that the client can take out in the form of a partial surrender without any penalties, and no chargeback to the agent. It is however after the first year.