Load Time?

It looks like there are issues in the code, OR on the host.

Since there are no remote calls to java on another server, or analytics calls, I would imagine the issue is in the mysql server its pulling from.

You could correct part of it with a plugin for wordpress that creates static HTML pages and caches them instead of calling from the db each time, but I'd move off that server also.

Most of the java calls could be moved to the footer, which would also help.

Likely this is whats happening:

header request when someone tries to load page
delay created in dbconnect in php to load from wordpress
delay in a few select queries
starts being handed off to the client
delay in loading the java at the top of the file on client side
delay in loading images from css

simple fixes:
compress images
change landing page to a static html verison of what it is now via plugin for wordpress
move off godaddy

those 3 things would likely see your page speed up by about 5-10 seconds in load speed.

Shared hosting sometimes works ok, but the problem is, it just takes 1 guy with a ton of traffic or a ton of bad mysql instructions to bog down the entire cluster, and shared clusters can have god knows how many people sharing a mysql server.

Most "high end" hosting either uses less people per host or they cluster and do the mysql on an enterprise level solution with fallover to handle load.

It could just be 1 bad user mucking up the server, in which case calling them MIGHT fix it.

Godaddy: all advertising and no quality.
btw, you need a favicon... i see your wordpress favicon.

many people bookmark pages and recognize it by favicon not the heading. IMO anyways.

There are cache plugins for your wordpress that will preload it on peoples computers once they visited once.
Thanks for all the replies. As I do not know what most of this means other then there needs to be some big time corrections, I will pass this information along.
In my experience it is almost always the code and not the web host. (Although I had a really costly situation last month where the load time issue was caused by the hosting company.)

:GEEK: In PHP you can use the microtime function to see exactly when each part of the page loads. I assume that something similar exists in other programming languages.

By using simple subtraction you can see, down to the microsecond, how quickly each part of the page loads.

When testing, I usually display the difference between the previous microtime() result and the current microtime() result on the screen so that I don't have to do the math by hand.

For example you can add the code
  • just above the <head> tag
  • just before the <body> tag
  • just before a graphic loads
  • just after a graphic loads
  • just before a function executes
  • just after a function executes
This way you can see what part of the page or what part of the code behind it is so freaking slow.

PM me if you want more information on this. I'm willing to have a brief phone conversation with your web designer/programmer to point him or her in the right direction.
Install a plugin called W3 Total Cache or Wp Super Cache. This will help your site to load faster. It will help to cache your site and create dynamic html files instead of accessing the database. Then go to these two sites and download these firefox or google chrome add ons to test your site. Google Page Speed and or this one YSlow. Make sure you clear your cache every time that you test your speed.