Look at What These Idiots Are Up To:

These people need to be summarily thrown out on their collective asses and only people that will uphold the Constitution may at our discretion remain in term limited office.
Enough of this lunatic fringe that is our government...when a hideous character like Al Franken gets put into a Senate seat for the US...all reason has died in this country.
I don't know why anyone's surprised. Big, bad insurance companies GOING DOWN!!! Obviously they have just a bunch of *** employees and lobbyist attorneys who have nothing to offer, at any time. Therefore, FIRE THEM ALL! Oh, and along the way, let's just go ahead and push that unemployment rate up another 5-10% while we're at it.

Socialism, here we come!!!
After reading a few more pages, it looks like the intent here is to just make sure the new plans are compliant with the new guidelines of the govt.-run program.

If UHC, Aetna or whoever don't want to change their plans, then they write no new policies.
Well we will see what kind of salesman Barry is tonight as he attacks the dissenters in congress.
He has not even read the bill as I am sure is the case with his minions and yet he will rant and rave his way into tying the knots around our collective throats.