Looking for a Compelling 30 Second Commercial


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I am getting very frustrated with people (especially business owners) telling me "I got a guy" or Yeah, my broker shops my insurance every year". I know people hate dealing with insurance. I totally get it. How can I get people to be compelled to let me evaluate their commercial Insurance? I know that people are more apt to shop their personal lines- beacause they want to try to save money. But commercial is killing me! Is there a checklist of danger/ not covered items, or does anybody have a paragraph on P&C that scares the crap out of propsects, and gets them to take action?
And if I hear one more guy tell me his brother-in-law is his agent, I'm going to jump off a building, or get a job at Target or something else... :twitchy:
I am getting very frustrated with people (especially business owners) telling me "I got a guy" or Yeah, my broker shops my insurance every year".

Translation: your approach is boring - similar to most insurance agents/brokers.

How can I get people to be compelled to let me evaluate their commercial Insurance?

"Evaluating commercial insurance" is about as compelling as a root canal appointment! You need to gather some intelligence. Suggestion: find two or three "prospects" representative of the type of client you seek. Offer to take them to breakfast or lunch or whatever. Ask THEM what would compel them to want to evaluate their commercial insurance. Use the intelligence wisely to approach other prospects.

And if I hear one more guy tell me his brother-in-law is his agent, I'm going to jump off a building, or get a job at Target or something else...

Again, this is not a problem with THEM, it's a problem with YOU. If you don't find a more creative "approach", you might wind up at Target, but at least you'll get one of those spiffy, team-member red shirts...

Good luck.
Business owners are very time constrained. They have already checked off the box for needing insurance. You are asking them to erase a checkbox for something that is already done. Not an easy task.

You have to work on their schedule, they will rarely work on yours. Go for xdates and then work the xdates hard. Expect to have to work the relationship for a few years and then be happy if it happens faster.

Bottom line is, what are you offering them? $100 saved in premiums? Not worth the time. Better coverage? Really? Better service? Did you ask if they had a problem or are you just assuming there is a problem?

If you aren't solving a problem for a business owner, they won't give you much time.

Gather testimonials from existing commercial clients about how you solved their problems...incorporate those into your approach...objections overcome...you now have credibility

Another item that has always worked well for me is not commiting upfront(the jack of all trades agents). I always suggest that I'll need to meet w/them and see if "what I do" will match up with "what they need".