Looking For an SEO Expert


5000 Post Club
I know there have been several threads and conversation about SEO, but I'm looking for an SEO expert to help me with a small project. Does anyone have any suggestions of who to work with? Any idea what type of a fee that would entail?
Re: Looking For A SEO Expert

If you want you can email me. I'll help you for free if I can.

I am not a professional, but I have owned several websites that I have used for google revenue in the past. I also took a course on SEO so I could learn more about the industry.

I can probably help you with some basics.
Re: Looking For A SEO Expert

I have some sites (non-insurance related) I'd like to get bumped up on google searches, but I'm not sure how to do it. I know it helps to have other sites that link to it, but beyond that I don't know much. I figured rather than learn it I might as well pay someone. It's nothing too serious and there isn't really much competition (I don't think), but I would like to have it done well.
Re: Looking For A SEO Expert

Med...Stick with the experts. Dave, Alston, Val and a few others. Feel free to email me and I'll provide contact info etc...

Yea,,,,there are a ton of people searching for Ohio Health Insurance Quotes and Affordable Pennsylvania Health Insurance...I already talked to him....he got his answers......