Looking for encrypted email service: no email address change, no Chrome extension, suggestions welcome.


1000 Post Club
My current plan has lots of hiccups, and the fix is "wipe out all prior browser history" so the Chrome extension can be reinstated. Seriously?
Hard no on that.
Obv. has to be HIPAA compliant.
Tried to have a couple of promising options reply back, crickets. You: Webroot/Zix for one.
Zix is good. Smarsh is another. Ive heard Barricuda is another good one to use.

Ive been on the receiving end of all of those at one time or another. Easy enough for the client.
My current plan has lots of hiccups, and the fix is "wipe out all prior browser history" so the Chrome extension can be reinstated. Seriously?
Hard no on that.
Obv. has to be HIPAA compliant.
Tried to have a couple of promising options reply back, crickets. You: Webroot/Zix for one.
I use "Bracket" -- I believe it's a Microsoft product but not entirely certain, as my IT company suggested it. Easy for both sender and receiver.
I use "Bracket" -- I believe it's a Microsoft product but not entirely certain, as my IT company suggested it. Easy for both sender and receiver.
Checking if Bracket is HIPAA compliant. Like the simplicity. Also, is the client reply encrypted.
I use "Bracket" -- I believe it's a Microsoft product but not entirely certain, as my IT company suggested it. Easy for both sender and receiver.
How does the receiver, for example, reply encrypted with an attachment. That will be a lot of what may happen.
How does the receiver, for example, reply encrypted with an attachment. That will be a lot of what may happen.
What cloud storage do you use?

I use encrypted gmail (with the HIPAA compliance cert) to send to clients but whenever I request something health or financial related, I just send them a link to upload the info to their folder (I use Sharefile but there are a ton of similar options).