Looking for Group Coverage in IL


New Member
I'm in the life insurance business and frequent the forums here but I have no experience with health insurance. I'm currently looking for group coverage for my husband and I (and 2 children). We have a 2 year old who was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes 2 months ago so there is definitely a preexisting condition for one dependent. I checked out some plans at ehealthinsurance but I'd rather give my business to someone here. I just need a little education about my options.
I'm in the life insurance business and frequent the forums here but I have no experience with health insurance. I'm currently looking for group coverage for my husband and I (and 2 children). We have a 2 year old who was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes 2 months ago so there is definitely a preexisting condition for one dependent. I checked out some plans at ehealthinsurance but I'd rather give my business to someone here. I just need a little education about my options.

Sunny, let's chat. Email my personal account: stuy119 at gmail dot com and we'll exchange info from there.
If any of you family member having type 1 diabetes, then it would be bit difficult for you to cover that member also under group health insurance, Some days back I was also in bit of same problem like you Looking for group health Insurance that can cover my whole family and I moved on to InsuranceServiceNewPortRichy they solved all of my problems and confusions.